Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Anna and the French Kiss

Let me start by saying that I do NOT normally read cutesy "chick-lit" books that are written for teenage girls (especially all the new vampire books). I read Sarah Dessen novels, and that's about where I draw the line... I just don't care to read a sexually charged, poorly written book designed only to please the romantic tendencies of a teenage girl. But when my friend handed me this book, Anna and the French Kiss, with the recommendation of John Green and herself, I figured I'd give it a try. After all, John Green had said he couldn't put it down, and he didn't seem like the type to recommend bad fiction. So, before I went to bed, I read the first couple of pages. And then more. And then more. I couldn't put it down!
I stayed up way too late to read this book (11:30, on a school night? Unheard of!), captivated by it's characters and the romance. It's about Anna Oliphant, from Atlanta, who's father decides to send her to Paris for a year (her senior year, no less!) to study and get a taste of other cultures. Though digging in her heels at first, the transition is quickly eased by the presence of a very cute boy, Etienne St. Clair, a French-British-American. So yes, he has a British accent (!)... and a girlfriend. As Anna steps outside of her comfort zone and into a new culture, she also gets to know St. Clair very well.
The core and majority of the story is a romance, but it's also a narrative of friendships: of the thin line between friends and more-than-friends, of loyalty and honesty, of betrayal and forgiveness. And it is this added dimension that gives the novel depth and moves it from typical teenage girl fodder to an entertaining, slightly instructive novel appropriate for all ages.
One of the great strengths of the novel are the characters. Anna Oliphant, the protagonist, is a neat-freak, left handed, who loves movies and runs a blog with movie reviews (sound like me? Except maybe the neat-freak part). Unlike many romance novels, where the girl falling in love is frustratingly annoying (cough cough Bella Swan), I actually ended the novel still liking Anna. She's not a hopeless, lovesick girl, but a logical and realistic one, who thinks, "If I can't date this guy, I'll just be a friend to him... no use moping around after him." Thank goodness for that!
Etienne St. Clair, the male lead, is better than Edward Cullen. Who is supposedly perfect. While St. Clair (as his friends call him) is far from perfect, his character is so loveable and realistic that I couldn't help falling in love with him along with Anna. His jokes and teasing, his kindness to his friends, his devotion to his mother, and of course, his British accent all are loveable attributes. I give huge kudos to Stephanie Perkins for giving him actual flaws and actual problems that are easy to see. He's not the perfect guy who comes along, sweeps a girl off her feet, and they live happily ever after. Both Anna and Etienne have problems, and they build a real friendship supporting each other through those problems. Perkins does an excellent job of developing this relationship without boring us with unnecessary exchanges. Their relationship is real, not forced, because we actually believe that they know each other very well.
Anna and Etienne's friends are Meredith, who's in love with St. Clair, and Rashmi and Josh, who are dating. Etienne's girlfriend, Ellie, used to be in their group as well, but she graduated the previous year. Each one of these supporting characters, with maybe the exception of Ellie, is developed so well, even though they aren't the focus of the story. They're all incredibly believable and real, not just plot devices to support Anna and Etienne. The five together, Anna, Etienne, Rashmi, Josh, and Meredith, counsel each other, go through betrayals, fight, forgive each other, and encourage each other. I loved every one of them, and their interactions added so much to the story.
One thing I didn't like: by the end of the book, Anna's misunderstanding seemed unbelievable, and her confusion stupid. The very last fight seems a bit stretched... but maybe because I was just really eager to see them get together!
Yet another thing I loved about this book: they're all believably real teenagers, but Perkins doesn't use excessive language or drug use or crazy partying all the time or sleazy hookups to emphasize this point. If or when these things are used, it's necessary to the plot- and not glamorized at all. This is such a rare quality in a teen book! It feels unexaggerated and simple, so refreshing. And the writing! So well written: the chemistry between Anna and Etienne is unbelievable: I was so wrapped up in the urge for them to finally get together! They compliment each other perfectly. Also, the general narrative is subtle but well written; Perkins has a clear control of language. It's so rare to find a book such as this one in the teen world. It's wholly entertaining, engrossing, adorable, squeal-able, just like watching a chick flick- but with added depth. I. LOVED. IT. Go read it if you're looking for a sweet, fun, light read. You won't be disappointed!


  1. Loved the review abbs! mind if I send this link to stephanie on twitter? or you could through your twitter! it's @naturallysteph

  2. you are good at writing abby =]
