Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Spider and Fly

Just a little insight into what the Deatherage family spent their time doing while in Wyoming!

The Spider and the Fly

Written by the Deatherage family for John and Mary Kay Turner

July 2010

There once was a fly who buzzed in the house

(yes, the one where we caught the mouse)

its wings beat fast, it bumped into the glass

and it drove the whole family nuts, oh yes

it drove the whole family nuts.

There once was a spider who patiently spun

A web in the corner that sparkled with sun

It sat unperturbed, the web undisturbed,

And backed up in wait of its prey, oh yes,

It backed up in wait of its prey.

Then suddenly the fly hit the window and fell

It plummeted down with an insect’s small yell

And fell in the trap, the web that would wrap

Its silvery strands o’er the fly, oh yes,

Its silvery strands o’er the fly.

Expectant and hungry, the spider stood by,

Watching the misery of the poor fly

When the spider came running, the fly with great cunning

Did flap and twitch his trapped wings, oh yes

Did flap and twitch his trapped wings.

Then suddenly with a great effort and heave,

The fly shot forward, desperate to leave

At last cried, I’m free! But ‘twas not meant to be

The fly snapped back into the web, oh yes,

The fly snapped back into the web.

The captive twitched and buzzed in great panic,

At the thought of the spider, cruel and manic

The cause seemed lost, at too great a cost,

But the story had not finished yet, oh yes,

The story had not finished yet.

The spider with joy thought, “the victory’s won!”

But suddenly the fly’s bindings fell, undone

The fly tumbled out with a gleeful shout

The jubilant captive set free, oh yes,

The jubilant captive set free!